Options Trading Coaching
Results-based coaching on how to:
- Earn consistent weekly income from trading in the stock market using Options
- Achieve financial independence
- Master your trading platform to work for you
- Manage your investment portfolio like a pro
- Realize greater profits over time
What you will learn
- How to use Options to increase, and reach profit targets faster with greater consistency
- How to pick the right trading strategy for consistent weekly income
- Repeatable strategies to grow your portfolio
- Build a successful trading plan
- Risk Management Techniques and how to protect profits
- Live weekly training by an experienced Stocks/Options Trader via Zoom
- 4 Weeks from Basic to Advanced (2x/Week for 4 Weeks)
- Maximum class size is groups of 8 - 10 students (for group sessions)
- Pre-work for all coaching sessions
- Topic-specific PowerPoint slides with examples
- Topic-specific video lessons
- 1:1 Individualized Coaching available
- Membership to private student group for on-going support and education
Coaching Schedule
6:00 - 7:00 PM & 07:30 - 08:30 PM | 2 Hours/Week for 4 weeks |
All times Eastern USA/Canada

Eddie is an avid entrepreneur in many areas of business. He has a passion for teaching and sharing knowledge from his walk in life. Eddie's experience ranges from Information Technology, Trucking, Transportation Logistics, Real Estate, and of course Options Trading. He is a long time stock trader over 15 years and became actively involved in day/swing trading in 2020.
I cherish giving back to my community by educating, mentoring, paying it forward, and investing in my community ~Eddie.
Eddie and his wife Florence live in Atlanta, Georgia - USA with their 3 daughters.
The Difference
- Results-based instruction
- Access to a trainer who is an experienced Stocks/Options trader
- Interactive coaching with weekly targets
- Extensive library of video, websites, apps, ebooks, spreadsheets
- Extended Program support by email, chat or phone during and beyond the course
- Master the thinkorswim Options trading platform, tools, & resources
- Identify opportunities and specific strategies to take advantage of
- Understand options trading strategies and when to use them
- Calculate entry and exit points to maximize profitability, and manage risk at the same time
- Develop a sound trading plan for every trade
- Develop a solid trader psychology for managing fear, confidence, over- trading, sitting on your hands
- How to invest profits for long-term gains to grow your portfolio
- Quit your day-job and make Options Trading your main hustle
Getting Ready
Before our first session, please prepare the following if available:
- Your current Watchlist
- Current Trading Plan if you have one
- List or summary of areas where you most need assistance
Program Summary
- Resources and Tools of the Trade
- thinkorswim & tastytrade Brokerage Platforms
- Trading Plan Development
- Reading and Understanding Stock Charts
- Support and Resistance Levels
- Calculating Risk vs Reward
- High Performance Watchlist Development
- Options Trading using CALLS and PUTS
- Options Greeks and the Options Chain
- Exercise and Assignment
- Credit and Debit Spreads
- Advanced Options Strategies
(Condors, Straddles, Strangles, Butterflies, etc) - Covered Calls Income Strategy
- Rolling as a Defensive Strategy
- Additional Defensive Strategies
- 0DTE Consistent Weekly Income
- 7-45DTE Debit/Credit Spreads
- Risk Management
- Long term portfolio growth
This list of activities is not exhaustive, and can be amended at any time to cater for different skills and experience of the student. The goal is to achieve consistent weekly income, minimize losses, construct high performing trades independently.
Productive Sessions
Best Practices
- Be present. It doesn't help when anyone is distracted.
- Connect from a quiet place. Turn off background sounds from TV/Radio/Fan, etc.
- Use a headset with microphone for clear communication. Don't assume your computer audio is sufficient.
- For best performance please close all applications on your computer except thinkorswim and your Internet Browser
- On your Internet Browser, close all tabs except the ones we are focusing on
- Be punctual. Please communicate well in advance if you need to reschedule. Sessions are closely scheduled and must end on time.
- Familiarize yourself with Zoom, sharing desktop, opening and closing applications on your computer.
- Join the session from your computer/laptop/mac only. Do not join from iPad/Tablets/Phone as these do not offer the same experience.
- Avoid multi-tasking. Your attention is greatly appreciated.